This is the complete list of members for ORB_SLAM2::Frame, including all inherited members.
ComputeBoW() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
ComputeStereoFromRGBD(const cv::Mat &imDepth) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
ComputeStereoMatches() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
cx | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
cy | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
ExtractORB(int flag, const cv::Mat &im) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
Frame() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
Frame(const Frame &frame) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
Frame(const cv::Mat &imLeft, const cv::Mat &imRight, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractorLeft, ORBextractor *extractorRight, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const cv::Mat &imDepth, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractor, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
Frame(const cv::Mat &imGray, const double &timeStamp, ORBextractor *extractor, ORBVocabulary *voc, cv::Mat &K, cv::Mat &distCoef, const float &bf, const float &thDepth) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
fx | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
fy | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
GetCameraCenter() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | inline |
GetFeaturesInArea(const float &x, const float &y, const float &r, const int minLevel=-1, const int maxLevel=-1) const | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
GetRotationInverse() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | inline |
invfx | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
invfy | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
isInFrustum(MapPoint *pMP, float viewingCosLimit) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mb | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mbf | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mbInitialComputations | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mBowVec | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mDescriptors | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mDescriptorsRight | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mDistCoef | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mFeatVec | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mfGridElementHeightInv | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mfGridElementWidthInv | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mfLogScaleFactor | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mfScaleFactor | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mGrid | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mK | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mnId | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mnMaxX | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mnMaxY | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mnMinX | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mnMinY | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
mnScaleLevels | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mpORBextractorLeft | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mpORBextractorRight | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mpORBvocabulary | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mpReferenceKF | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mTcw | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mThDepth | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mTimeStamp | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvbOutlier | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvDepth | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvInvLevelSigma2 | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvInvScaleFactors | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvKeys | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvKeysRight | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvKeysUn | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvLevelSigma2 | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvpMapPoints | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvScaleFactors | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
mvuRight | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
N | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
nNextId | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | static |
PosInGrid(const cv::KeyPoint &kp, int &posX, int &posY) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
SetPose(cv::Mat Tcw) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
UnprojectStereo(const int &i) | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |
UpdatePoseMatrices() | ORB_SLAM2::Frame | |