OpenCV  3.3.0-dev
Open Source Computer Vision
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
 Core functionality
 Basic structures
 C structures and operations
 Connections with C++
 Operations on arrays
 XML/YAML Persistence
 Utility and system functions and macros
 SSE utilities
 NEON utilities
 Softfloat support
 OpenGL interoperability
 CUDA-accelerated Computer Vision
 Intel IPP Asynchronous C/C++ Converters
 Optimization Algorithms
 DirectX interoperability
 Eigen support
 OpenCL support
 Intel VA-API/OpenCL (CL-VA) interoperability
 Hardware Acceleration Layer
 Universal intrinsics
 Image processing
 Image Filtering
 Geometric Image Transformations
 Miscellaneous Image Transformations
 Drawing Functions
 ColorMaps in OpenCV
 Planar Subdivision
 Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors
 Motion Analysis and Object Tracking
 Feature Detection
 Object Detection
 Hardware Acceleration Layer
 Image file reading and writing
 iOS glue
 Video I/ORead and write video or images sequence with OpenCV
 Flags for video I/O
 Additional flags for video I/O API backends
 C API for video I/O
 iOS glue for video I/O
 WinRT glue for video I/O
 High-level GUI
 OpenGL support
 Qt New Functions
 WinRT support
 Video Analysis
 Motion Analysis
 Object Tracking
 Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction
 Fisheye camera model
 2D Features Framework
 Feature Detection and Description
 Descriptor Matchers
 Drawing Function of Keypoints and Matches
 Object Categorization
 Object Detection
 Machine Learning
 Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces
 Computational Photography
 HDR imaging
 Seamless Cloning
 Non-Photorealistic Rendering
 Images stitching
 Features Finding and Images Matching
 Rotation Estimation
 Images Warping
 Seam Estimation
 Exposure Compensation
 Image Blenders
 Shape Distance and Matching
 Super Resolution
 Video Stabilization
 Global Motion Estimation
 Fast Marching Method
 3D Visualizer