#include "KeyFrame.h"
◆ KeyFrame()
◆ AddChild()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::AddChild |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ AddConnection()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::AddConnection |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF, |
const int & |
weight |
) |
| |
◆ AddLoopEdge()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::AddLoopEdge |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ AddMapPoint()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::AddMapPoint |
( |
MapPoint * |
pMP, |
const size_t & |
idx |
) |
| |
◆ ChangeParent()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::ChangeParent |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ ComputeBoW()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::ComputeBoW |
( |
| ) |
◆ ComputeSceneMedianDepth()
float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::ComputeSceneMedianDepth |
( |
const int |
q | ) |
◆ EraseChild()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::EraseChild |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ EraseConnection()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::EraseConnection |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ EraseMapPointMatch() [1/2]
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::EraseMapPointMatch |
( |
const size_t & |
idx | ) |
◆ EraseMapPointMatch() [2/2]
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::EraseMapPointMatch |
( |
MapPoint * |
pMP | ) |
◆ GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames()
std::vector<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetBestCovisibilityKeyFrames |
( |
const int & |
N | ) |
◆ GetCameraCenter()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetCameraCenter |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetChilds()
std::set<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetChilds |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetConnectedKeyFrames()
std::set<KeyFrame *> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetConnectedKeyFrames |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetCovisiblesByWeight()
std::vector<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetCovisiblesByWeight |
( |
const int & |
w | ) |
◆ GetFeaturesInArea()
std::vector<size_t> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetFeaturesInArea |
( |
const float & |
x, |
const float & |
y, |
const float & |
r |
) |
| const |
◆ GetLoopEdges()
std::set<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetLoopEdges |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetMapPoint()
◆ GetMapPointMatches()
std::vector<MapPoint*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetMapPointMatches |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetMapPoints()
std::set<MapPoint*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetMapPoints |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetParent()
KeyFrame* ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetParent |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetPose()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetPose |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetPoseInverse()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetPoseInverse |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetRotation()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetRotation |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetStereoCenter()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetStereoCenter |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetTranslation()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetTranslation |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames()
std::vector<KeyFrame* > ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetVectorCovisibleKeyFrames |
( |
| ) |
◆ GetWeight()
int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::GetWeight |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ hasChild()
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::hasChild |
( |
KeyFrame * |
pKF | ) |
◆ isBad()
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::isBad |
( |
| ) |
◆ IsInImage()
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::IsInImage |
( |
const float & |
x, |
const float & |
y |
) |
| const |
◆ lId()
◆ ReplaceMapPointMatch()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::ReplaceMapPointMatch |
( |
const size_t & |
idx, |
MapPoint * |
pMP |
) |
| |
◆ SetBadFlag()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::SetBadFlag |
( |
| ) |
◆ SetErase()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::SetErase |
( |
| ) |
◆ SetNotErase()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::SetNotErase |
( |
| ) |
◆ SetPose()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::SetPose |
( |
const cv::Mat & |
Tcw | ) |
◆ TrackedMapPoints()
int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::TrackedMapPoints |
( |
const int & |
minObs | ) |
◆ UnprojectStereo()
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::UnprojectStereo |
( |
int |
i | ) |
◆ UpdateBestCovisibles()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::UpdateBestCovisibles |
( |
| ) |
◆ UpdateConnections()
void ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::UpdateConnections |
( |
| ) |
◆ weightComp()
static bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::weightComp |
( |
int |
a, |
int |
b |
) |
| |
inlinestatic |
◆ Cw
◆ cx
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::cx |
◆ cy
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::cy |
◆ fx
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::fx |
◆ fy
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::fy |
◆ invfx
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::invfx |
◆ invfy
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::invfy |
◆ mb
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mb |
◆ mbBad
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mbBad |
protected |
◆ mbf
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mbf |
◆ mbFirstConnection
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mbFirstConnection |
protected |
◆ mbNotErase
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mbNotErase |
protected |
◆ mBowVec
DBoW2::BowVector ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mBowVec |
◆ mbToBeErased
bool ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mbToBeErased |
protected |
◆ mConnectedKeyFrameWeights
std::map<KeyFrame*,int> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mConnectedKeyFrameWeights |
protected |
◆ mDescriptors
const cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mDescriptors |
◆ mFeatVec
DBoW2::FeatureVector ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mFeatVec |
◆ mfGridElementHeightInv
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mfGridElementHeightInv |
◆ mfGridElementWidthInv
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mfGridElementWidthInv |
◆ mfLogScaleFactor
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mfLogScaleFactor |
◆ mfScaleFactor
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mfScaleFactor |
◆ mGrid
std::vector< std::vector <std::vector<size_t> > > ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mGrid |
protected |
◆ mHalfBaseline
float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mHalfBaseline |
protected |
◆ mK
const cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mK |
◆ mLoopScore
float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mLoopScore |
◆ mMutexConnections
std::mutex ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mMutexConnections |
protected |
◆ mMutexFeatures
std::mutex ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mMutexFeatures |
protected |
◆ mMutexPose
std::mutex ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mMutexPose |
protected |
◆ mnBAFixedForKF
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnBAFixedForKF |
◆ mnBAGlobalForKF
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnBAGlobalForKF |
◆ mnBALocalForKF
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnBALocalForKF |
◆ mnFrameId
const long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnFrameId |
◆ mnFuseTargetForKF
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnFuseTargetForKF |
◆ mnGridCols
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnGridCols |
◆ mnGridRows
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnGridRows |
◆ mnId
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnId |
◆ mnLoopQuery
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnLoopQuery |
◆ mnLoopWords
int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnLoopWords |
◆ mnMaxX
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnMaxX |
◆ mnMaxY
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnMaxY |
◆ mnMinX
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnMinX |
◆ mnMinY
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnMinY |
◆ mnRelocQuery
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnRelocQuery |
◆ mnRelocWords
int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnRelocWords |
◆ mnScaleLevels
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnScaleLevels |
◆ mnTrackReferenceForFrame
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mnTrackReferenceForFrame |
◆ mpKeyFrameDB
◆ mpMap
Map* ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mpMap |
protected |
◆ mpORBvocabulary
◆ mpParent
◆ mRelocScore
float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mRelocScore |
◆ mspChildrens
std::set<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mspChildrens |
protected |
◆ mspLoopEdges
std::set<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mspLoopEdges |
protected |
◆ mTcp
◆ mTcwBefGBA
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mTcwBefGBA |
◆ mTcwGBA
cv::Mat ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mTcwGBA |
◆ mThDepth
const float ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mThDepth |
◆ mTimeStamp
const double ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mTimeStamp |
◆ mvDepth
const std::vector<float> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvDepth |
◆ mvInvLevelSigma2
const std::vector<float> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvInvLevelSigma2 |
◆ mvKeys
◆ mvKeysUn
const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvKeysUn |
◆ mvLevelSigma2
const std::vector<float> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvLevelSigma2 |
◆ mvOrderedWeights
std::vector<int> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvOrderedWeights |
protected |
◆ mvpMapPoints
std::vector<MapPoint*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvpMapPoints |
protected |
◆ mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames
std::vector<KeyFrame*> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvpOrderedConnectedKeyFrames |
protected |
◆ mvScaleFactors
const std::vector<float> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvScaleFactors |
◆ mvuRight
const std::vector<float> ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::mvuRight |
const int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::N |
◆ nNextId
long unsigned int ORB_SLAM2::KeyFrame::nNextId |
static |
◆ Ow
◆ Tcw
◆ Twc
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: