►Ncv | |
►Ncuda | |
CBackgroundSubtractorFGD | The class discriminates between foreground and background pixels by building and maintaining a model of the background |
CBackgroundSubtractorGMG | Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
CBackgroundSubtractorMOG | Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
CBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 | Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
CBroxOpticalFlow | Class computing the optical flow for two images using Brox et al Optical Flow algorithm ([Brox2004]) |
CBufferPool | BufferPool for use with CUDA streams |
CCannyEdgeDetector | Base class for Canny Edge Detector. : |
CCascadeClassifier | Cascade classifier class used for object detection. Supports HAAR and LBP cascades. : |
CCLAHE | Base class for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization. : |
CConvolution | Base class for convolution (or cross-correlation) operator. : |
CCornernessCriteria | Base class for Cornerness Criteria computation. : |
CCornersDetector | Base class for Corners Detector. : |
CDenseOpticalFlow | Base interface for dense optical flow algorithms |
CDensePyrLKOpticalFlow | Class used for calculating a dense optical flow |
CDescriptorMatcher | Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors |
CDeviceInfo | Class providing functionality for querying the specified GPU properties |
CDFT | Base class for DFT operator as a cv::Algorithm. : |
CDisparityBilateralFilter | Class refining a disparity map using joint bilateral filtering. : |
CEvent | |
CEventAccessor | Class that enables getting cudaEvent_t from cuda::Event |
CFarnebackOpticalFlow | Class computing a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm |
CFastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method |
CFastOpticalFlowBM | |
CFeature2DAsync | Abstract base class for CUDA asynchronous 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors |
CFGDParams | |
CFilter | Common interface for all CUDA filters : |
►CGpuMat | Base storage class for GPU memory with reference counting |
CAllocator | |
CHOG | The class implements Histogram of Oriented Gradients ([Dalal2005]) object detector |
CHostMem | Class with reference counting wrapping special memory type allocation functions from CUDA |
CHoughCirclesDetector | Base class for circles detector algorithm. : |
CHoughLinesDetector | Base class for lines detector algorithm. : |
CHoughSegmentDetector | Base class for line segments detector algorithm. : |
CImagePyramid | |
CLookUpTable | Base class for transform using lookup table |
COpticalFlowDual_TVL1 | Implementation of the Zach, Pock and Bischof Dual TV-L1 Optical Flow method |
CORB | Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor |
CSparseOpticalFlow | Base interface for sparse optical flow algorithms |
CSparsePyrLKOpticalFlow | Class used for calculating a sparse optical flow |
CStereoBeliefPropagation | Class computing stereo correspondence using the belief propagation algorithm. : |
CStereoBM | Class computing stereo correspondence (disparity map) using the block matching algorithm. : |
CStereoConstantSpaceBP | Class computing stereo correspondence using the constant space belief propagation algorithm. : |
CStream | This class encapsulates a queue of asynchronous calls |
CStreamAccessor | Class that enables getting cudaStream_t from cuda::Stream |
CTargetArchs | Class providing a set of static methods to check what NVIDIA* card architecture the CUDA module was built for |
CTemplateMatching | Base class for Template Matching. : |
►Ncudacodec | |
CEncoderCallBack | Callbacks for CUDA video encoder |
CEncoderParams | Different parameters for CUDA video encoder |
CFormatInfo | Struct providing information about video file format. : |
CRawVideoSource | Interface for video demultiplexing. : |
CVideoReader | Video reader interface |
CVideoWriter | Video writer interface |
►Ncudev | |
►Nfunctional_detail | |
CFloatType | |
►Nvec_math_detail | |
CSatCastHelper | |
CSatCastHelper< 1, VecD > | |
CSatCastHelper< 2, VecD > | |
CSatCastHelper< 3, VecD > | |
CSatCastHelper< 4, VecD > | |
Cabs_func | |
Cabs_func< double > | |
Cabs_func< float > | |
Cabs_func< schar > | |
Cabs_func< short > | |
Cabs_func< uchar > | |
Cabs_func< uint > | |
Cabs_func< ushort > | |
Cabsdiff_func | |
Cacos_func | |
Cacos_func< double > | |
Cacos_func< float > | |
Cacos_func< schar > | |
Cacos_func< short > | |
Cacos_func< uchar > | |
Cacos_func< uint > | |
Cacos_func< ushort > | |
Cacosh_func | |
Cacosh_func< double > | |
Cacosh_func< float > | |
Cacosh_func< schar > | |
Cacosh_func< short > | |
Cacosh_func< uchar > | |
Cacosh_func< uint > | |
Cacosh_func< ushort > | |
CAffineMapPtr | |
CAffineMapPtrSz | |
CArrayWrapper | |
Casin_func | |
Casin_func< double > | |
Casin_func< float > | |
Casin_func< schar > | |
Casin_func< short > | |
Casin_func< uchar > | |
Casin_func< uint > | |
Casin_func< ushort > | |
Casinh_func | |
Casinh_func< double > | |
Casinh_func< float > | |
Casinh_func< schar > | |
Casinh_func< short > | |
Casinh_func< uchar > | |
Casinh_func< uint > | |
Casinh_func< ushort > | |
Catan2_func | |
Catan2_func< double > | |
Catan2_func< float > | |
Catan2_func< schar > | |
Catan2_func< short > | |
Catan2_func< uchar > | |
Catan2_func< uint > | |
Catan2_func< ushort > | |
Catan_func | |
Catan_func< double > | |
Catan_func< float > | |
Catan_func< schar > | |
Catan_func< short > | |
Catan_func< uchar > | |
Catan_func< uint > | |
Catan_func< ushort > | |
Catanh_func | |
Catanh_func< double > | |
Catanh_func< float > | |
Catanh_func< schar > | |
Catanh_func< short > | |
Catanh_func< uchar > | |
Catanh_func< uint > | |
Catanh_func< ushort > | |
►CAvg | |
Crebind | |
CBGR_to_BGRA_func | |
CBGR_to_GRAY_func | |
CBGR_to_HLS4_FULL_func | |
CBGR_to_HLS4_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HLS4_func | |
CBGR_to_HLS4_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HLS_FULL_func | |
CBGR_to_HLS_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HLS_func | |
CBGR_to_HLS_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HSV4_FULL_func | |
CBGR_to_HSV4_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HSV4_func | |
CBGR_to_HSV4_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HSV_FULL_func | |
CBGR_to_HSV_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_HSV_func | |
CBGR_to_HSV_func< float > | |
CBGR_to_Lab4_func | |
CBGR_to_Lab_func | |
CBGR_to_Luv4_func | |
CBGR_to_Luv_func | |
CBGR_to_RGB_func | |
CBGR_to_RGBA_func | |
CBGR_to_XYZ4_func | |
CBGR_to_XYZ_func | |
CBGR_to_YCrCb4_func | |
CBGR_to_YCrCb_func | |
CBGR_to_YUV4_func | |
CBGR_to_YUV_func | |
CBGRA_to_BGR_func | |
CBGRA_to_GRAY_func | |
CBGRA_to_HLS4_FULL_func | |
CBGRA_to_HLS4_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HLS4_func | |
CBGRA_to_HLS4_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HLS_FULL_func | |
CBGRA_to_HLS_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HLS_func | |
CBGRA_to_HLS_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HSV4_FULL_func | |
CBGRA_to_HSV4_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HSV4_func | |
CBGRA_to_HSV4_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HSV_FULL_func | |
CBGRA_to_HSV_FULL_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_HSV_func | |
CBGRA_to_HSV_func< float > | |
CBGRA_to_Lab4_func | |
CBGRA_to_Lab_func | |
CBGRA_to_Luv4_func | |
CBGRA_to_Luv_func | |
CBGRA_to_RGB_func | |
CBGRA_to_RGBA_func | |
CBGRA_to_XYZ4_func | |
CBGRA_to_XYZ_func | |
CBGRA_to_YCrCb4_func | |
CBGRA_to_YCrCb_func | |
CBGRA_to_YUV4_func | |
CBGRA_to_YUV_func | |
Cbinary_function | |
CBinaryNegate | |
CBinaryTransformPtr | |
CBinaryTransformPtrSz | |
CBinaryTupleAdapter | |
CBinder1st | |
CBinder2nd | |
Cbit_and | |
Cbit_lshift | |
Cbit_not | |
Cbit_or | |
Cbit_rshift | |
Cbit_xor | |
CBlock | |
CBrdBase | |
CBrdConstant | |
CBrdReflect | |
CBrdReflect101 | |
CBrdReplicate | |
CBrdWrap | |
CCommonAreaInterPtr | |
CCommonAreaInterPtrSz | |
CConstantPtr | |
CConstantPtrSz | |
CConvertTuple | |
Ccos_func | |
Ccos_func< double > | |
Ccos_func< float > | |
Ccos_func< schar > | |
Ccos_func< short > | |
Ccos_func< uchar > | |
Ccos_func< uint > | |
Ccos_func< ushort > | |
Ccosh_func | |
Ccosh_func< double > | |
Ccosh_func< float > | |
Ccosh_func< schar > | |
Ccosh_func< short > | |
Ccosh_func< uchar > | |
Ccosh_func< uint > | |
Ccosh_func< ushort > | |
CCountNonZeroExprBody | |
CCubicInterPtr | |
CCubicInterPtrSz | |
CDefaultCopyPolicy | |
CDefaultGlobReducePolicy | |
CDefaultHistogramPolicy | |
CDefaultReduceToVecPolicy | |
CDefaultSplitMergePolicy | |
CDefaultTransformPolicy | |
CDefaultTransposePolicy | |
CDerivXPtr | |
CDerivXPtrSz | |
CDerivYPtr | |
CDerivYPtrSz | |
Cdirection_func | |
CDisableIf | |
CDisableIf< false, T > | |
Cdivides | |
CDynamicSharedMem | |
CDynamicSharedMem< double > | |
CEnableIf | |
CEnableIf< true, T > | |
Cequal_to | |
Cexp10_func | |
Cexp10_func< double > | |
Cexp10_func< float > | |
Cexp10_func< schar > | |
Cexp10_func< short > | |
Cexp10_func< uchar > | |
Cexp10_func< uint > | |
Cexp10_func< ushort > | |
Cexp2_func | |
Cexp2_func< double > | |
Cexp2_func< float > | |
Cexp2_func< schar > | |
Cexp2_func< short > | |
Cexp2_func< uchar > | |
Cexp2_func< uint > | |
Cexp2_func< ushort > | |
Cexp_func | |
Cexp_func< double > | |
Cexp_func< float > | |
Cexp_func< schar > | |
Cexp_func< short > | |
Cexp_func< uchar > | |
Cexp_func< uint > | |
Cexp_func< ushort > | |
CExpr | |
CFindMaxValExprBody | |
CFindMinMaxValExprBody | |
CFindMinValExprBody | |
CGlobPtr | Structure similar to cv::cudev::GlobPtrSz but containing only a pointer and row step |
CGlobPtrSz | Lightweight class encapsulating pitched memory on a GPU and passed to nvcc-compiled code (CUDA kernels) |
CGpuMat_ | |
CGRAY_to_BGR_func | |
CGRAY_to_BGRA_func | |
Cgreater | |
Cgreater_equal | |
CHistogramBody | |
CHLS4_to_BGR_FULL_func | |
CHLS4_to_BGR_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_BGR_func | |
CHLS4_to_BGR_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_BGRA_FULL_func | |
CHLS4_to_BGRA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_BGRA_func | |
CHLS4_to_BGRA_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_RGB_FULL_func | |
CHLS4_to_RGB_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_RGB_func | |
CHLS4_to_RGB_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_RGBA_FULL_func | |
CHLS4_to_RGBA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS4_to_RGBA_func | |
CHLS4_to_RGBA_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_BGR_FULL_func | |
CHLS_to_BGR_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_BGR_func | |
CHLS_to_BGR_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_BGRA_FULL_func | |
CHLS_to_BGRA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_BGRA_func | |
CHLS_to_BGRA_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_RGB_FULL_func | |
CHLS_to_RGB_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_RGB_func | |
CHLS_to_RGB_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_RGBA_FULL_func | |
CHLS_to_RGBA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHLS_to_RGBA_func | |
CHLS_to_RGBA_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_BGR_FULL_func | |
CHSV4_to_BGR_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_BGR_func | |
CHSV4_to_BGR_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_BGRA_FULL_func | |
CHSV4_to_BGRA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_BGRA_func | |
CHSV4_to_BGRA_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_RGB_FULL_func | |
CHSV4_to_RGB_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_RGB_func | |
CHSV4_to_RGB_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_RGBA_FULL_func | |
CHSV4_to_RGBA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV4_to_RGBA_func | |
CHSV4_to_RGBA_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_BGR_FULL_func | |
CHSV_to_BGR_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_BGR_func | |
CHSV_to_BGR_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_BGRA_FULL_func | |
CHSV_to_BGRA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_BGRA_func | |
CHSV_to_BGRA_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_RGB_FULL_func | |
CHSV_to_RGB_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_RGB_func | |
CHSV_to_RGB_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_RGBA_FULL_func | |
CHSV_to_RGBA_FULL_func< float > | |
CHSV_to_RGBA_func | |
CHSV_to_RGBA_func< float > | |
Chypot_func | |
Chypot_func< double > | |
Chypot_func< float > | |
Chypot_func< schar > | |
Chypot_func< short > | |
Chypot_func< uchar > | |
Chypot_func< uint > | |
Chypot_func< ushort > | |
Cidentity | |
CInt2Type | |
CIntegerAreaInterPtr | |
CIntegerAreaInterPtrSz | |
CIntegralBody | |
►CIsBinaryFunction | |
CNo | |
CIsPowerOf2 | |
►CIsUnaryFunction | |
CNo | |
CLab4_to_BGR_func | |
CLab4_to_BGRA_func | |
CLab4_to_LBGR_func | |
CLab4_to_LBGRA_func | |
CLab4_to_LRGB_func | |
CLab4_to_LRGBA_func | |
CLab4_to_RGB_func | |
CLab4_to_RGBA_func | |
CLab_to_BGR_func | |
CLab_to_BGRA_func | |
CLab_to_LBGR_func | |
CLab_to_LBGRA_func | |
CLab_to_LRGB_func | |
CLab_to_LRGBA_func | |
CLab_to_RGB_func | |
CLab_to_RGBA_func | |
CLaplacianPtr | |
CLaplacianPtr< 1, SrcPtr > | |
CLaplacianPtr< 3, SrcPtr > | |
CLaplacianPtrSz | |
CLargerType | |
CLBGR_to_Lab4_func | |
CLBGR_to_Lab_func | |
CLBGR_to_Luv4_func | |
CLBGR_to_Luv_func | |
CLBGRA_to_Lab4_func | |
CLBGRA_to_Lab_func | |
CLBGRA_to_Luv4_func | |
CLBGRA_to_Luv_func | |
Cless | |
Cless_equal | |
CLinearInterPtr | |
CLinearInterPtrSz | |
Clog10_func | |
Clog10_func< double > | |
Clog10_func< float > | |
Clog10_func< schar > | |
Clog10_func< short > | |
Clog10_func< uchar > | |
Clog10_func< uint > | |
Clog10_func< ushort > | |
CLog2 | |
CLog2< N, 0, COUNT > | |
Clog2_func | |
Clog2_func< double > | |
Clog2_func< float > | |
Clog2_func< schar > | |
Clog2_func< short > | |
Clog2_func< uchar > | |
Clog2_func< uint > | |
Clog2_func< ushort > | |
Clog_func | |
Clog_func< double > | |
Clog_func< float > | |
Clog_func< schar > | |
Clog_func< short > | |
Clog_func< uchar > | |
Clog_func< uint > | |
Clog_func< ushort > | |
Clogical_and | |
Clogical_not | |
Clogical_or | |
CLRGB_to_Lab4_func | |
CLRGB_to_Lab_func | |
CLRGB_to_Luv4_func | |
CLRGB_to_Luv_func | |
CLRGBA_to_Lab4_func | |
CLRGBA_to_Lab_func | |
CLRGBA_to_Luv4_func | |
CLRGBA_to_Luv_func | |
CLutPtr | |
CLutPtrSz | |
CLuv4_to_BGR_func | |
CLuv4_to_BGRA_func | |
CLuv4_to_LBGR_func | |
CLuv4_to_LBGRA_func | |
CLuv4_to_LRGB_func | |
CLuv4_to_LRGBA_func | |
CLuv4_to_RGB_func | |
CLuv4_to_RGBA_func | |
CLuv_to_BGR_func | |
CLuv_to_BGRA_func | |
CLuv_to_LBGR_func | |
CLuv_to_LBGRA_func | |
CLuv_to_LRGB_func | |
CLuv_to_LRGBA_func | |
CLuv_to_RGB_func | |
CLuv_to_RGBA_func | |
Cmagnitude_func | |
Cmagnitude_sqr_func | |
CMakeVec | |
CMakeVec< bool, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< bool, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< bool, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< bool, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< double, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< double, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< double, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< double, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< float, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< float, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< float, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< float, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< schar, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< schar, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< schar, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< schar, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< short, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< short, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< short, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< short, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< uchar, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< uchar, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< uchar, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< uchar, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< uint, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< uint, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< uint, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< uint, 4 > | |
CMakeVec< ushort, 1 > | |
CMakeVec< ushort, 2 > | |
CMakeVec< ushort, 3 > | |
CMakeVec< ushort, 4 > | |
►CMax | |
Crebind | |
Cmaximum | |
Cmaximum< double > | |
Cmaximum< float > | |
Cmaximum< schar > | |
Cmaximum< short > | |
Cmaximum< uchar > | |
Cmaximum< uint > | |
Cmaximum< ushort > | |
►CMin | |
Crebind | |
Cminimum | |
Cminimum< double > | |
Cminimum< float > | |
Cminimum< schar > | |
Cminimum< short > | |
Cminimum< uchar > | |
Cminimum< uint > | |
Cminimum< ushort > | |
Cminus | |
Cmodulus | |
Cmultiplies | |
CNearestInterPtr | |
CNearestInterPtrSz | |
Cnegate | |
CNormHamming | |
CNormL1 | |
CNormL1< float > | |
CNormL2 | |
Cnot_equal_to | |
CNullType | |
Cnumeric_limits | |
Cnumeric_limits< bool > | |
Cnumeric_limits< double > | |
Cnumeric_limits< float > | |
Cnumeric_limits< schar > | |
Cnumeric_limits< short > | |
Cnumeric_limits< uchar > | |
Cnumeric_limits< uint > | |
Cnumeric_limits< ushort > | |
CPerspectiveMapPtr | |
CPerspectiveMapPtrSz | |
Cplus | |
Cpow_func | |
Cpow_func< double > | |
Cproject1st | |
Cproject2nd | |
CPtrTraits | |
CPtrTraits< AffineMapPtrSz > | |
CPtrTraits< BinaryTransformPtrSz< Src1Ptr, Src2Ptr, Op > > | |
CPtrTraits< CommonAreaInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< ConstantPtrSz< T > > | |
CPtrTraits< CubicInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< DerivXPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< DerivYPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< Expr< Body > > | |
CPtrTraits< GlobPtrSz< T > > | |
CPtrTraits< GpuMat_< T > > | |
CPtrTraits< IntegerAreaInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< LaplacianPtrSz< ksize, SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< LinearInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< LutPtrSz< SrcPtr, TablePtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< NearestInterPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< PerspectiveMapPtrSz > | |
CPtrTraits< RemapPtr1Sz< SrcPtr, MapPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< RemapPtr2Sz< SrcPtr, MapXPtr, MapYPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< ResizePtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< ScharrXPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< ScharrYPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< SingleMaskChannelsSz< MaskPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< SobelXPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< SobelYPtrSz< SrcPtr > > | |
CPtrTraits< Texture< T > > | |
CPtrTraits< UnaryTransformPtrSz< SrcPtr, Op > > | |
CPtrTraits< ZipPtrSz< PtrTuple > > | |
CPtrTraitsBase | |
CPyrDownBody | |
CPyrUpBody | |
CReduceToColumnBody | |
CReduceToRowBody | |
CRemapPtr1 | |
CRemapPtr1Sz | |
CRemapPtr2 | |
CRemapPtr2Sz | |
CResizePtr | |
CResizePtrSz | |
CRGB_to_GRAY_func | |
CRGB_to_HLS4_FULL_func | |
CRGB_to_HLS4_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HLS4_func | |
CRGB_to_HLS4_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HLS_FULL_func | |
CRGB_to_HLS_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HLS_func | |
CRGB_to_HLS_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HSV4_FULL_func | |
CRGB_to_HSV4_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HSV4_func | |
CRGB_to_HSV4_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HSV_FULL_func | |
CRGB_to_HSV_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_HSV_func | |
CRGB_to_HSV_func< float > | |
CRGB_to_Lab4_func | |
CRGB_to_Lab_func | |
CRGB_to_Luv4_func | |
CRGB_to_Luv_func | |
CRGB_to_XYZ4_func | |
CRGB_to_XYZ_func | |
CRGB_to_YCrCb4_func | |
CRGB_to_YCrCb_func | |
CRGB_to_YUV4_func | |
CRGB_to_YUV_func | |
CRGBA_to_GRAY_func | |
CRGBA_to_HLS4_FULL_func | |
CRGBA_to_HLS4_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HLS4_func | |
CRGBA_to_HLS4_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HLS_FULL_func | |
CRGBA_to_HLS_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HLS_func | |
CRGBA_to_HLS_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HSV4_FULL_func | |
CRGBA_to_HSV4_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HSV4_func | |
CRGBA_to_HSV4_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HSV_FULL_func | |
CRGBA_to_HSV_FULL_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_HSV_func | |
CRGBA_to_HSV_func< float > | |
CRGBA_to_Lab4_func | |
CRGBA_to_Lab_func | |
CRGBA_to_Luv4_func | |
CRGBA_to_Luv_func | |
CRGBA_to_XYZ4_func | |
CRGBA_to_XYZ_func | |
CRGBA_to_YCrCb4_func | |
CRGBA_to_YCrCb_func | |
CRGBA_to_YUV4_func | |
CRGBA_to_YUV_func | |
Csaturate_cast_fp16_func | |
Csaturate_cast_fp16_func< float, short > | |
Csaturate_cast_fp16_func< short, float > | |
Csaturate_cast_func | |
CScharrXPtr | |
CScharrXPtrSz | |
CScharrYPtr | |
CScharrYPtrSz | |
CSelectIf | |
CSelectIf< false, ThenType, ElseType > | |
Csin_func | |
Csin_func< double > | |
Csin_func< float > | |
Csin_func< schar > | |
Csin_func< short > | |
Csin_func< uchar > | |
Csin_func< uint > | |
Csin_func< ushort > | |
CSingleMaskChannels | |
CSingleMaskChannelsSz | |
Csinh_func | |
Csinh_func< double > | |
Csinh_func< float > | |
Csinh_func< schar > | |
Csinh_func< short > | |
Csinh_func< uchar > | |
Csinh_func< uint > | |
Csinh_func< ushort > | |
CSobelXPtr | |
CSobelXPtrSz | |
CSobelYPtr | |
CSobelYPtrSz | |
Csqr_func | |
Csqrt_func | |
Csqrt_func< double > | |
Csqrt_func< float > | |
Csqrt_func< schar > | |
Csqrt_func< short > | |
Csqrt_func< uchar > | |
Csqrt_func< uint > | |
Csqrt_func< ushort > | |
►CSum | |
Crebind | |
CSumExprBody | |
Ctan_func | |
Ctan_func< double > | |
Ctan_func< float > | |
Ctan_func< schar > | |
Ctan_func< short > | |
Ctan_func< uchar > | |
Ctan_func< uint > | |
Ctan_func< ushort > | |
Ctanh_func | |
Ctanh_func< double > | |
Ctanh_func< float > | |
Ctanh_func< schar > | |
Ctanh_func< short > | |
Ctanh_func< uchar > | |
Ctanh_func< uint > | |
Ctanh_func< ushort > | |
CTexture | |
CTexturePtr | |
CThreshBinaryFunc | |
CThreshBinaryInvFunc | |
CThreshToZeroFunc | |
CThreshToZeroInvFunc | |
CThreshTruncFunc | |
CTransposeBody | |
CTupleTraits | |
CTupleTraits< tuple< P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 > > | |
CTypesEquals | |
CTypesEquals< A, A > | |
CTypeTraits | |
Cunary_function | |
CUnaryNegate | |
CUnaryTransformPtr | |
CUnaryTransformPtrSz | |
CUnaryTupleAdapter | |
CVecTraits | |
CVecTraits< char1 > | |
CVecTraits< char2 > | |
CVecTraits< char3 > | |
CVecTraits< char4 > | |
CVecTraits< double > | |
CVecTraits< double1 > | |
CVecTraits< double2 > | |
CVecTraits< double3 > | |
CVecTraits< double4 > | |
CVecTraits< float > | |
CVecTraits< float1 > | |
CVecTraits< float2 > | |
CVecTraits< float3 > | |
CVecTraits< float4 > | |
CVecTraits< int1 > | |
CVecTraits< int2 > | |
CVecTraits< int3 > | |
CVecTraits< int4 > | |
CVecTraits< schar > | |
CVecTraits< short > | |
CVecTraits< short1 > | |
CVecTraits< short2 > | |
CVecTraits< short3 > | |
CVecTraits< short4 > | |
CVecTraits< uchar > | |
CVecTraits< uchar1 > | |
CVecTraits< uchar2 > | |
CVecTraits< uchar3 > | |
CVecTraits< uchar4 > | |
CVecTraits< uint > | |
CVecTraits< uint1 > | |
CVecTraits< uint2 > | |
CVecTraits< uint3 > | |
CVecTraits< uint4 > | |
CVecTraits< ushort > | |
CVecTraits< ushort1 > | |
CVecTraits< ushort2 > | |
CVecTraits< ushort3 > | |
CVecTraits< ushort4 > | |
CWarp | |
CWithOutMask | |
CXYZ4_to_BGR_func | |
CXYZ4_to_BGRA_func | |
CXYZ4_to_RGB_func | |
CXYZ4_to_RGBA_func | |
CXYZ_to_BGR_func | |
CXYZ_to_BGRA_func | |
CXYZ_to_RGB_func | |
CXYZ_to_RGBA_func | |
CYCrCb4_to_BGR_func | |
CYCrCb4_to_BGRA_func | |
CYCrCb4_to_RGB_func | |
CYCrCb4_to_RGBA_func | |
CYCrCb_to_BGR_func | |
CYCrCb_to_BGRA_func | |
CYCrCb_to_RGB_func | |
CYCrCb_to_RGBA_func | |
CYUV4_to_BGR_func | |
CYUV4_to_BGRA_func | |
CYUV4_to_RGB_func | |
CYUV4_to_RGBA_func | |
CYUV_to_BGR_func | |
CYUV_to_BGRA_func | |
CYUV_to_RGB_func | |
CYUV_to_RGBA_func | |
CZipPtr | |
CZipPtr< tuple< Ptr0, Ptr1 > > | |
CZipPtr< tuple< Ptr0, Ptr1, Ptr2 > > | |
CZipPtr< tuple< Ptr0, Ptr1, Ptr2, Ptr3 > > | |
CZipPtrSz | |
►Ndetail | |
CAffineBasedEstimator | Affine transformation based estimator |
CAffineBestOf2NearestMatcher | Features matcher similar to cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf |
CAffineWarper | Affine warper that uses rotations and translations |
CAKAZEFeaturesFinder | AKAZE features finder. : |
CBestOf2NearestMatcher | Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf |
CBestOf2NearestRangeMatcher | |
CBlender | Base class for all blenders |
CBlocksGainCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block intensities, see [UES01] for details |
CBundleAdjusterAffine | Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares |
CBundleAdjusterAffinePartial | Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation with 4 DOF represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param. Implements camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares |
CBundleAdjusterBase | Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods |
CBundleAdjusterRay | Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature. : |
CBundleAdjusterReproj | Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares |
CCameraParams | Describes camera parameters |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitProjector | |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper | |
CCompressedRectilinearProjector | |
CCompressedRectilinearWarper | |
CCylindricalPortraitProjector | |
CCylindricalPortraitWarper | |
CCylindricalProjector | |
CCylindricalWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the x*x + z*z = 1 cylinder |
CCylindricalWarperGpu | |
CDisjointSets | |
CDpSeamFinder | |
CEstimator | Rotation estimator base class |
CExposureCompensator | Base class for all exposure compensators |
CFeatherBlender | Simple blender which mixes images at its borders |
CFeaturesFinder | Feature finders base class |
CFeaturesMatcher | Feature matchers base class |
CFisheyeProjector | |
CFisheyeWarper | |
CGainCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities, see [BL07] and [WJ10] for details |
CGraph | |
CGraphCutSeamFinder | Minimum graph cut-based seam estimator. See details in [V03] |
CGraphCutSeamFinderBase | Base class for all minimum graph-cut-based seam estimators |
CGraphEdge | |
CHomographyBasedEstimator | Homography based rotation estimator |
CImageFeatures | Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors |
CMatchesInfo | Structure containing information about matches between two images |
CMercatorProjector | |
CMercatorWarper | |
CMultiBandBlender | Blender which uses multi-band blending algorithm (see [BA83]) |
CNoBundleAdjuster | Stub bundle adjuster that does nothing |
CNoExposureCompensator | Stub exposure compensator which does nothing |
CNoSeamFinder | Stub seam estimator which does nothing |
COrbFeaturesFinder | ORB features finder. : |
CPairwiseSeamFinder | Base class for all pairwise seam estimators |
CPaniniPortraitProjector | |
CPaniniPortraitWarper | |
CPaniniProjector | |
CPaniniWarper | |
CPlanePortraitProjector | |
CPlanePortraitWarper | |
CPlaneProjector | |
CPlaneWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the z = 1 plane |
CPlaneWarperGpu | |
CProjectorBase | Base class for warping logic implementation |
CRotationWarper | Rotation-only model image warper interface |
CRotationWarperBase | Base class for rotation-based warper using a detail::ProjectorBase_ derived class |
CSeamFinder | Base class for a seam estimator |
CSphericalPortraitProjector | |
CSphericalPortraitWarper | |
CSphericalProjector | |
CSphericalWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the unit sphere located at the origin |
CSphericalWarperGpu | |
CStereographicProjector | |
CStereographicWarper | |
CSurfFeaturesFinder | SURF features finder |
CTimelapser | |
CTimelapserCrop | |
CTransverseMercatorProjector | |
CTransverseMercatorWarper | |
CVoronoiSeamFinder | Voronoi diagram-based seam estimator |
►Ndirectx | |
►Nflann | |
CAutotunedIndexParams | |
CCompositeIndexParams | |
CCvType | |
CCvType< char > | |
CCvType< double > | |
CCvType< float > | |
CCvType< short > | |
CCvType< unsigned char > | |
CCvType< unsigned short > | |
CGenericIndex | The FLANN nearest neighbor index class. This class is templated with the type of elements for which the index is built |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndexParams | |
CIndex | |
CIndex_ | |
CIndexParams | |
CKDTreeIndexParams | |
CKMeansIndexParams | |
CLinearIndexParams | |
CLshIndexParams | |
CSavedIndexParams | |
CSearchParams | |
►Nhal | |
CDCT2D | |
CDFT1D | |
CDFT2D | |
►Ninstr | |
CNodeData | |
CNodeDataTls | |
►Nml | |
CANN_MLP | Artificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer Perceptrons |
CBoost | Boosted tree classifier derived from DTrees |
►CDTrees | The class represents a single decision tree or a collection of decision trees |
CNode | The class represents a decision tree node |
CSplit | The class represents split in a decision tree |
CEM | The class implements the Expectation Maximization algorithm |
CKNearest | The class implements K-Nearest Neighbors model |
CLogisticRegression | Implements Logistic Regression classifier |
CNormalBayesClassifier | Bayes classifier for normally distributed data |
CParamGrid | The structure represents the logarithmic grid range of statmodel parameters |
CRTrees | The class implements the random forest predictor |
CStatModel | Base class for statistical models in OpenCV ML |
►CSVM | Support Vector Machines |
CKernel | |
CSVMSGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent SVM classifier |
CTrainData | Class encapsulating training data |
►Nocl | |
CContext | |
CDevice | |
CImage2D | |
CKernel | |
CKernelArg | |
CPlatform | |
CPlatformInfo | |
CProgram | |
CProgramSource | |
CQueue | |
►Nogl | |
CArrays | Wrapper for OpenGL Client-Side Vertex arrays |
CBuffer | Smart pointer for OpenGL buffer object with reference counting |
CTexture2D | Smart pointer for OpenGL 2D texture memory with reference counting |
►Nsuperres | |
CBroxOpticalFlow | |
CDenseOpticalFlowExt | |
CDualTVL1OpticalFlow | |
CFarnebackOpticalFlow | |
CFrameSource | |
CPyrLKOpticalFlow | |
CSuperResolution | Base class for Super Resolution algorithms |
►Nutils | |
►Nva_intel | |
►Nvideostab | |
CColorAverageInpainter | |
CColorInpainter | |
CConsistentMosaicInpainter | |
CDeblurerBase | |
CFastMarchingMethod | Describes the Fast Marching Method implementation |
CFromFileMotionReader | |
CGaussianMotionFilter | |
CIDenseOptFlowEstimator | |
CIFrameSource | |
CILog | |
CImageMotionEstimatorBase | Base class for global 2D motion estimation methods which take frames as input |
CIMotionStabilizer | |
CInpainterBase | |
CInpaintingPipeline | |
CIOutlierRejector | |
CISparseOptFlowEstimator | |
CKeypointBasedMotionEstimator | Describes a global 2D motion estimation method which uses keypoints detection and optical flow for matching |
CLogToStdout | |
CLpMotionStabilizer | |
CMoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressor | |
CMoreAccurateMotionWobbleSuppressorBase | |
CMotionEstimatorBase | Base class for all global motion estimation methods |
CMotionEstimatorL1 | Describes a global 2D motion estimation method which minimizes L1 error |
CMotionEstimatorRansacL2 | Describes a robust RANSAC-based global 2D motion estimation method which minimizes L2 error |
CMotionFilterBase | |
CMotionInpainter | |
CMotionStabilizationPipeline | |
CNullDeblurer | |
CNullFrameSource | |
CNullInpainter | |
CNullLog | |
CNullOutlierRejector | |
CNullWobbleSuppressor | |
COnePassStabilizer | |
CPyrLkOptFlowEstimatorBase | |
CRansacParams | Describes RANSAC method parameters |
CSparsePyrLkOptFlowEstimator | |
CStabilizerBase | |
CToFileMotionWriter | |
CTranslationBasedLocalOutlierRejector | |
CTwoPassStabilizer | |
CVideoFileSource | |
CWeightingDeblurer | |
CWobbleSuppressorBase | |
►Nviz | |
CCamera | This class wraps intrinsic parameters of a camera |
CColor | This class a represents BGR color |
CKeyboardEvent | This class represents a keyboard event |
CMesh | This class wraps mesh attributes, and it can load a mesh from a ply file. : |
CMouseEvent | This class represents a mouse event |
CViz3d | 3D visualizer window. This class is implicitly shared. : |
CWArrow | This 3D Widget defines an arrow |
CWCameraPosition | This 3D Widget represents camera position in a scene by its axes or viewing frustum. : |
CWCircle | This 3D Widget defines a circle |
CWCloud | Clouds |
CWCloudCollection | This 3D Widget defines a collection of clouds. : |
CWCloudNormals | This 3D Widget represents normals of a point cloud. : |
CWCone | This 3D Widget defines a cone. : |
CWCoordinateSystem | Compond widgets |
CWCube | This 3D Widget defines a cube |
CWCylinder | This 3D Widget defines a cylinder. : |
CWGrid | This 3D Widget defines a grid. : |
CWidget | Base class of all widgets. Widget is implicitly shared. : |
CWidget2D | Base class of all 2D widgets |
CWidget3D | Base class of all 3D widgets |
CWidgetAccessor | This class is for users who want to develop their own widgets using VTK library API. : |
CWImage3D | This 3D Widget represents an image in 3D space. : |
CWImageOverlay | This 2D Widget represents an image overlay. : |
CWLine | Simple widgets |
CWMesh | Constructs a WMesh |
CWPaintedCloud | |
CWPlane | This 3D Widget defines a finite plane |
CWPolyLine | This 3D Widget defines a poly line. : |
CWSphere | This 3D Widget defines a sphere. : |
CWText | Text and image widgets |
CWText3D | This 3D Widget represents 3D text. The text always faces the camera |
CWTrajectory | Trajectories |
CWTrajectoryFrustums | This 3D Widget represents a trajectory. : |
CWTrajectorySpheres | This 3D Widget represents a trajectory using spheres and lines |
CWWidgetMerger | This class allows to merge several widgets to single one |
C_InputArray | This is the proxy class for passing read-only input arrays into OpenCV functions |
C_InputOutputArray | |
C_OutputArray | This type is very similar to InputArray except that it is used for input/output and output function parameters |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulator< char > | |
CAccumulator< short > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned char > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned short > | |
CAffine3 | Affine transform |
CAffineTransformer | Wrapper class for the OpenCV Affine Transformation algorithm. : |
CAffineWarper | Affine warper factory class |
CAgastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST method. : |
CAKAZE | Class implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [ANB13] |
CAlgorithm | This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV |
CAlignExposures | The base class for algorithms that align images of the same scene with different exposures |
CAlignMTB | This algorithm converts images to median threshold bitmaps (1 for pixels brighter than median luminance and 0 otherwise) and than aligns the resulting bitmaps using bit operations |
►CAllocator | |
Crebind | |
CAutoBuffer | Automatically Allocated Buffer Class |
CAutoLock | |
CBackgroundSubtractor | Base class for background/foreground segmentation. : |
CBackgroundSubtractorKNN | K-nearest neigbours - based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
CBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 | Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
►CBaseCascadeClassifier | |
CMaskGenerator | |
CBFMatcher | Brute-force descriptor matcher |
CBOWImgDescriptorExtractor | Class to compute an image descriptor using the bag of visual words |
CBOWKMeansTrainer | Kmeans -based class to train visual vocabulary using the bag of visual words approach. : |
CBOWTrainer | Abstract base class for training the bag of visual words vocabulary from a set of descriptors |
CBRISK | Class implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [LCS11] |
CBufferPoolController | |
CCalibrateCRF | The base class for camera response calibration algorithms |
CCalibrateDebevec | Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system. Objective function is constructed using pixel values on the same position in all images, extra term is added to make the result smoother |
CCalibrateRobertson | Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system. This algorithm uses all image pixels |
CCascadeClassifier | Cascade classifier class for object detection |
CChiHistogramCostExtractor | An Chi based cost extraction. : |
CCirclesGridFinderParameters | |
CCommandLineParser | Designed for command line parsing |
CComplex | A complex number class |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper | |
CCompressedRectilinearWarper | |
CConjGradSolver | This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function with known gradient, |
CCylindricalWarper | Cylindrical warper factory class |
CDataDepth | A helper class for cv::DataType |
CDataType | Template "trait" class for OpenCV primitive data types |
CDenseOpticalFlow | |
►CDescriptorMatcher | Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors |
CDescriptorCollection | |
CDetectionROI | Struct for detection region of interest (ROI) |
CDMatch | Class for matching keypoint descriptors |
CDownhillSolver | This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function, |
CDrawMatchesFlags | |
CDualTVL1OpticalFlow | "Dual TV L1" Optical Flow Algorithm |
CEMDHistogramCostExtractor | An EMD based cost extraction. : |
CEMDL1HistogramCostExtractor | An EMD-L1 based cost extraction. : |
CException | Class passed to an error |
CFarnebackOpticalFlow | Class computing a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm |
CFastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method. : |
CFeature2D | Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors |
CFileNode | File Storage Node class |
►CFileNodeIterator | Used to iterate through sequences and mappings |
CSeqReader | |
CFileStorage | XML/YAML/JSON file storage class that encapsulates all the information necessary for writing or reading data to/from a file |
CFisheyeWarper | |
CFlannBasedMatcher | Flann-based descriptor matcher |
CFormatted | |
CFormatter | |
CGeneralizedHough | Finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform |
CGeneralizedHoughBallard | |
CGeneralizedHoughGuil | |
CGFTTDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack function. : |
CHamming | |
CHausdorffDistanceExtractor | A simple Hausdorff distance measure between shapes defined by contours |
CHistogramCostExtractor | Abstract base class for histogram cost algorithms |
CHOGDescriptor | |
CKalmanFilter | Kalman filter class |
CKAZE | Class implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [ABD12] |
CKeyPoint | Data structure for salient point detectors |
CKeyPointsFilter | A class filters a vector of keypoints |
CL1 | |
CL2 | |
CLDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis |
CLineIterator | Line iterator |
CLineSegmentDetector | Line segment detector class |
CMat | N-dimensional dense array class |
CMat_ | Template matrix class derived from Mat |
CMatAllocator | Custom array allocator |
CMatCommaInitializer_ | Comma-separated Matrix Initializer |
CMatConstIterator | |
CMatConstIterator_ | Matrix read-only iterator |
CMatExpr | Matrix expression representation |
CMatIterator_ | Matrix read-write iterator |
CMatOp | |
CMatSize | |
CMatStep | |
CMatx | Template class for small matrices whose type and size are known at compilation time |
CMatxCommaInitializer | Comma-separated Matrix Initializer |
CMercatorWarper | |
CMergeDebevec | The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response |
CMergeExposures | The base class algorithms that can merge exposure sequence to a single image |
CMergeMertens | Pixels are weighted using contrast, saturation and well-exposedness measures, than images are combined using laplacian pyramids |
CMergeRobertson | The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response |
►CMinProblemSolver | Basic interface for all solvers |
CFunction | Represents function being optimized |
CMoments | Struct returned by cv::moments |
CMSER | Maximally stable extremal region extractor |
CMutex | |
CNAryMatIterator | N-ary multi-dimensional array iterator |
CNode | |
CNormHistogramCostExtractor | A norm based cost extraction. : |
CORB | Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor |
CPaniniPortraitWarper | |
CPaniniWarper | |
CParallelLoopBody | Base class for parallel data processors |
CParam | |
CParamType | |
CParamType< Algorithm > | |
CParamType< bool > | |
CParamType< double > | |
CParamType< float > | |
CParamType< Mat > | |
CParamType< std::vector< Mat > > | |
CParamType< String > | |
CParamType< uchar > | |
CParamType< uint64 > | |
CParamType< unsigned > | |
CPCA | Principal Component Analysis |
CPlaneWarper | Plane warper factory class |
CPoint3_ | Template class for 3D points specified by its coordinates x , y and z |
CPoint_ | Template class for 2D points specified by its coordinates x and y |
CPtr | Template class for smart pointers with shared ownership |
CQtFont | QtFont available only for Qt. See cv::fontQt |
CRange | Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence |
CRect_ | Template class for 2D rectangles |
CRNG | Random Number Generator |
CRNG_MT19937 | Mersenne Twister random number generator |
CRotatedRect | The class represents rotated (i.e. not up-right) rectangles on a plane |
CScalar_ | Template class for a 4-element vector derived from Vec |
CSeq | |
CSeqIterator | |
CShapeContextDistanceExtractor | Implementation of the Shape Context descriptor and matching algorithm |
CShapeDistanceExtractor | Abstract base class for shape distance algorithms |
CShapeTransformer | Abstract base class for shape transformation algorithms |
CSimilarRects | |
►CSimpleBlobDetector | Class for extracting blobs from an image. : |
CParams | |
CSize_ | Template class for specifying the size of an image or rectangle |
CSL2 | |
Csoftdouble | |
Csoftfloat | |
►CSparseMat | The class SparseMat represents multi-dimensional sparse numerical arrays |
CHdr | Sparse matrix header |
CNode | Sparse matrix node - element of a hash table |
CSparseMat_ | Template sparse n-dimensional array class derived from SparseMat |
CSparseMatConstIterator | Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator |
CSparseMatConstIterator_ | Template Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator Class |
CSparseMatIterator | Read-write Sparse Matrix Iterator |
CSparseMatIterator_ | Template Read-Write Sparse Matrix Iterator Class |
CSparseOpticalFlow | Base interface for sparse optical flow algorithms |
CSparsePyrLKOpticalFlow | Class used for calculating a sparse optical flow |
CSphericalWarper | Spherical warper factory class |
CStereoBM | Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm, introduced and contributed to OpenCV by K. Konolige |
CStereographicWarper | |
CStereoMatcher | The base class for stereo correspondence algorithms |
CStereoSGBM | The class implements the modified H. Hirschmuller algorithm [HH08] that differs from the original one as follows: |
CStitcher | High level image stitcher |
CString | |
►CSubdiv2D | |
CQuadEdge | |
CVertex | |
CSVD | Singular Value Decomposition |
CTermCriteria | The class defining termination criteria for iterative algorithms |
CThinPlateSplineShapeTransformer | Definition of the transformation |
CTickMeter | Class to measure passing time |
CTLSData | |
CTLSDataContainer | |
CTonemap | Base class for tonemapping algorithms - tools that are used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
CTonemapDrago | Adaptive logarithmic mapping is a fast global tonemapping algorithm that scales the image in logarithmic domain |
CTonemapDurand | This algorithm decomposes image into two layers: base layer and detail layer using bilateral filter and compresses contrast of the base layer thus preserving all the details |
CTonemapMantiuk | This algorithm transforms image to contrast using gradients on all levels of gaussian pyramid, transforms contrast values to HVS response and scales the response. After this the image is reconstructed from new contrast values |
CTonemapReinhard | This is a global tonemapping operator that models human visual system |
CTransverseMercatorWarper | |
CUMat | |
CUMatData | |
CUMatDataAutoLock | |
Cv_reg | |
CVec | Template class for short numerical vectors, a partial case of Matx |
CVecCommaInitializer | Comma-separated Vec Initializer |
CVideoCapture | Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras |
CVideoWriter | Video writer class |
CWarperCreator | Image warper factories base class |
CWImage | Image class which provides a thin layer around an IplImage |
CWImageBuffer | |
CWImageBufferC | |
CWImageC | |
CWImageView | |
CWImageViewC | |
►Ncvflann | |
►Nanyimpl | |
Cbad_any_cast | |
Cbase_any_policy | |
Cbig_any_policy | |
Cchoose_policy | |
Cchoose_policy< any > | |
Cchoose_policy< bool > | |
Cchoose_policy< float > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed char > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed long > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed short > | |
Cchoose_policy< T * > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned char > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned long > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned short > | |
Cempty_any | |
CSinglePolicy | |
Csmall_any_policy | |
Ctyped_base_any_policy | |
►Nlsh | |
CLshStats | |
CLshTable | |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulator< char > | |
CAccumulator< short > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned char > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned short > | |
Cany | |
CAutotunedIndex | |
CAutotunedIndexParams | |
CBranchStruct | |
CChiSquareDistance | |
CCompositeIndex | |
CCompositeIndexParams | |
CCreatorNotFound | |
CDatatype | |
CDatatype< char > | |
CDatatype< double > | |
CDatatype< float > | |
CDatatype< short > | |
CDatatype< unsigned char > | |
CDatatype< unsigned short > | |
CDynamicBitset | |
CFalse | |
CFLANNException | |
CHamming | |
CHamming2 | |
CHammingLUT | |
►CHeap | |
CCompareT | |
CHellingerDistance | |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndex | |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndexParams | |
CHistIntersectionDistance | |
CIndex | |
Cindex_creator | |
Cindex_creator< False, False, Distance > | |
Cindex_creator< False, VectorSpace, Distance > | |
CIndexHeader | |
CKDTreeIndex | |
CKDTreeIndexParams | |
CKDTreeSingleIndex | |
CKDTreeSingleIndexParams | |
CKL_Divergence | |
►CKMeansIndex | |
CKMeansDistanceComputer | |
CKMeansIndexParams | |
CKNNRadiusUniqueResultSet | |
CKNNResultSet | |
CKNNSimpleResultSet | |
CKNNUniqueResultSet | |
CL1 | |
CL2 | |
CL2_Simple | |
CLinearIndex | |
CLinearIndexParams | |
CLogger | |
CLshIndex | |
CLshIndexParams | |
CMatrix | |
CMaxDistance | |
CMinkowskiDistance | |
CNNIndex | |
CObjectFactory | |
CPooledAllocator | |
CRadiusResultSet | |
CRadiusUniqueResultSet | |
CResultSet | |
CSavedIndexParams | |
CSearchParams | |
CsimpleDistance | |
CsimpleDistance< ChiSquareDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< HellingerDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< L2< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< L2_Simple< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< MinkowskiDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance | |
CsquareDistance< ChiSquareDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< HellingerDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< L2< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< L2_Simple< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< MinkowskiDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CStartStopTimer | |
CTrue | |
CUniqueRandom | |
►CUniqueResultSet | |
CDistIndex | |
CUntypedMatrix | |
CZeroIterator | |
►NNcvCTprep | |
CassertTest | |
CConverter | |
CExtractorNode | |
CFrame | |
CFrameDrawer | |
CInitializer | |
CKeyFrame | |
CKeyFrameDatabase | |
CLocalMapping | |
CLoopClosing | |
CMap | |
CMapDrawer | |
CMapPoint | |
COptimizer | |
CORBextractor | |
CORBmatcher | |
CPnPsolver | |
CSim3Solver | |
CSystem | |
CTracking | |
CViewer | |
►Nutils | |
C<AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate> | |
►CCv16suf | |
C_fp16Format | |
►CCv32suf | |
C_fp32Format | |
CCv64suf | |
CCvAbstractCamera | |
CCvAttrList | List of attributes. : |
CCvAvgComp | |
CCvBox2D | |
CCvChain | |
CCvChainPtReader | |
CCvConnectedComp | |
CCvContour | |
CCvConvexityDefect | |
CCvFileNode | |
CCvFont | |
CCvGraph | |
CCvGraphEdge | |
CCvGraphScanner | |
CCvGraphVtx | |
CCvGraphVtx2D | |
CCvHaarClassifier | |
CCvHaarClassifierCascade | |
CCvHaarFeature | |
CCvHaarStageClassifier | |
CcvhalDFT | Dummy structure storing DFT/DCT context |
CcvhalFilter2D | Dummy structure storing filtering context |
CCvHistogram | |
CCvHuMoments | |
CCvKalman | |
CCvLevMarq | |
CCvLineIterator | |
CCvMat | |
CCvMatND | |
CCvMemBlock | |
CCvMemStorage | |
CCvMemStoragePos | |
CCvModuleInfo | |
CCvMoments | |
CCvNArrayIterator | |
CCvPhotoCamera | |
C<CvPhotoCameraDelegate > | |
CCvPluginFuncInfo | |
CCvPoint | |
CCvPoint2D32f | |
CCvPoint2D64f | |
CCvPoint3D32f | |
CCvPoint3D64f | |
CCvRect | |
CCvScalar | |
CCvSeq | |
CCvSeqBlock | |
CCvSeqReader | |
CCvSeqWriter | |
CCvSet | |
CCvSetElem | |
CCvSize | |
CCvSize2D32f | |
CCvSlice | |
CCvSparseMat | |
CCvSparseMatIterator | |
CCvSparseNode | |
CCvStereoBMState | |
CCvString | |
CCvStringHashNode | |
CCvTermCriteria | |
CCvTreeNodeIterator | |
CCvType | Class for automatic module/RTTI data registration/unregistration |
CCvTypeInfo | Type information |
CCvVideoCamera | |
C<CvVideoCameraDelegate > | |
CGray2RGB | |
CHaarClassifierCascadeDescriptor | |
CHaarClassifierNode128 | |
CHaarClassifierNodeDescriptor32 | |
CHaarFeature64 | |
CHaarFeatureDescriptor32 | |
CHaarStage64 | |
CINCVMemAllocator | |
CIplConvKernel | |
CIplConvKernelFP | |
CIplImage | |
CIplROI | |
CLab2RGB | |
CLuv2RGB | |
CNCVBroxOpticalFlowDescriptor | Model and solver parameters |
CNCVMatrix | |
CNCVMatrixAlloc | |
CNCVMatrixReuse | |
CNCVMemNativeAllocator | |
CNCVMemPtr | |
CNCVMemSegment | |
CNCVMemStackAllocator | |
CNcvPoint2D32s | |
CNcvPoint2D32u | |
CNcvRect32s | |
CNcvRect32u | |
CNcvRect8u | |
CNcvSize32s | |
CNcvSize32u | |
CNCVVector | |
CNCVVectorAlloc | |
CNCVVectorReuse | |
CNppStInterpolationState | |
CNSObject | |
C<NSObject> | |
C<NSObjectNSObject> | |
CRGB2Gray | |
CRGB2Lab | |
CRGB2Luv | |
CRGB2YCrCb | |
CT | |
CYCrCb2RGB | |